


Rants 'n' Raves

I'm so tough...

If there is one thing that the net could really do without, its these pathetic people who think its big and clever to come online and make threats to others. No-one is impressed - we all know that really, you're some spotty little geek sitting in your bedroom in your stained dirty Y-fronts, and would, in real life, run like hell at the first sign of a confrontation.

No-one is intimidated, in much the same way as, in real life, you are completely incapable of intimidating anyone over the age of 3... You are wasting your (and our) time...

Why don't you go back to playing hacker or something - because we all know that you are the kind of person who will go download a some ready-made piece of software that does all the work for you, run it (probably infecting your own PC with a host of viruses - you deserve it, after all, you ARE as dumb as a fencepost) and then claim to be a hacker when all you'll ever be is a wannabe.

I KNOW hackers - I know people who are skilled and talented and can ACTUALLY hack - not silly pre-pubescent boys who can just about download and execute a file from the internet.

A little additional comment from me, on behalf of my gender. I apologise ladies, on behalf of the entire male sex, because it is a sad fact that most of the idiots who go on like this are, embarassingly, male. I won't call them men, as it take a lot more than a penis to make someone a man, but most of them are male, and so, I repeat my apology for all of those sad little examples of the male race who seem to spend so much time wasting yours.... There are exceptions, occasionally its a female who thinks they can act hard on the net, but lets face it, the majority are male... Sorry....